Davos Engine is a 3D game engine developed by Oscar Pons and David Tello, students of CITM (Barcelona), due to the subject Game Engines at third course. It uses common open libraries:
The editor panels' position is fully customizable and can be docked anywhere inside the window. The main subcore systems are divided into panels to improve organization and easy access to the functionalities. Below are described in detail.
Game objects are ordered and subdued to a hierarchy which can be seen in the hierarchy panel, where all the scene is broke down in a tree form.
Components can be added and removed to game objects and it's properties can be seen and edited in the inspector panel. There are diferent types of components, classified in two groups:
All resource assets are stored in an own file format, saving space and time. All the assets inside the project folder can be seen inside the assets panel, with cutom icons to quickly see the different types of resources available. It can be directly imported to the scene from this panel.
Main scene editor camera is controlled as usually with right mouse button held down and W,A,S,D and E,Q.(Forward, left, backward, right and up, down. Respectively) Rest of the cameras can be controlled through the inspector panel and can be promoted to a viewport panel anytime so you can see the game with as many points of views as you want.
Inside this panel there is the holy grail of costumization, here you can enable/disable features, change colors, see debug options and more. Moreover, the general style of the editor can be changed navigating throw options menu bar option.
It is used to show all the feedback from the engine, such as errors, warnings or debug logs to keep track of what's happening.
They are designed to implement the camera culling so it restricts the number of objects to be drawn, improving considerably the performance. There are two options to choose, subspacing with quadtrees or octrees
Video demo to show the main functionalities of the engine. All cannot be covered in a quick video so it would be better to try yourself!
You can easily create UI elements adding them to a game object.
Fast and easy way to promote a camera to a viewport to see what it sees.